Special Features

In a concerted effort to make our environment more entertaining and rewarding to our community of players, we offer special features for in-game play (e.g., the ability to earn more credits while competing in tournaments), loyalty tokens, and other promotional elements that we believe will make your experience more enjoyable. Below is a listing of these special features from both the player’s perspective and the sponsor’s perspective.

Player Special Features

  1. In-game Booster
    During select multi-staged tournaments, players will have the ability to replenish game credits by sharing “sponsored messages” on one of their social media profiles. These messages may come in the form of a coupon, video commercial, music video, special offer, or more. These messages will come at a predetermined time within a tournament. Players will be informed that if they share the message on one of their social media profiles, they will be replenished with a certain amount of in-game credits. The benefit to the player is that this increases their chance of getting a higher score as they will have more credits to play with.
  2. In-game Prizes
    In select games, players can win sponsored prizes by achieving a specific goal while engaged in the game. For example, if a player is playing a slot game that is sponsored by a pizza brand and spins a 5 of a kind, they may win a coupon for a free pizza from the sponsor.
  3. Loyalty Tokens
    iWin Gaming has established two versions of virtual currency. One version includes tokens rewarded every new day a player logs in, for continuous play on any given day, inviting friends to play, and other features that will be added. These are the Tournament Tokens that will be used for the player to enter a tournament. The second form of tokens, called MZ Bucks, can be redeemed for avatar upgrades, products/swag in our ecommerce store (coming soon), and other cool options.
  4. Promotional Elements
    Our future plans also include a digital raffle feature, pop-out theater (for streaming content, movies, concerts, and streaming our finals). Please visit our section titled Future Features to learn more.

Sponsor Special Features

  1. In-game Bonuses
    Sponsors can offer prizes that are earned while players are engaged with their brand. For example, during a slot game, if a player gets 5 like items in one spin, they could win a coupon for that prize (e.g., pizza, certificate, gift card, etc.).
  2. Sponsored Messaging
    In select sponsored tournaments, sponsors will have the opportunity to leverage our viral marketing component that we call Sponsored Messaging. The idea is that we will pre-determine when we will post a special offer/message promoting the brand and its products. The players will be notified that if they share that message on one of their social media profiles, game credits will be replenished.

The following is an example of this offering: Assuming we are running a $1 million slot tournament, each player will start the game with 5000 credits. For this tournament, we would have 4 million players. The session length is 30 minutes. At the 15-minute mark, we will post the sponsor’s message (e.g., commercial, coupon, offer, etc.), and the players will be notified that if they share that message in the next 30 seconds, their game wallet will be replenished with a certain amount of credits. We estimate achieving a near 100% participation rate with this offer. If we simply got a 50% participation rate, that means your message would be posted on 2 million profiles around the world. The potential reach from those posts is substantial.

To learn more about becoming a sponsor, please visit our Contact Us page and drop us a note.